Tuesday 25 August 2015

Which makes it useful green tea to lose weight

Which makes it useful green tea to lose weight
The use of green tea for weight loss. You can not only use drinking green tea to lose weight, but the application can use the real green tea supplements instead. Green tea is made from the Camellia sinensis tree leaves. They come from China, which is used in many Asian cultures. It has been known to use herbal medicine. It supports a healthy immune system. Green tea is made up of powerful antioxidants, which increases the metabolism. Antioxidants in green tea catechin material is polyphenois. This antioxidant helps to promote the practice of reducing the amount of carbohydrates longer used. Because green tea increases the metabolism, you can burn body fat faster. Good training by drinking green tea is recommended.


1. Try to get a 4-5 cups of green tea a day. It's good to try to get a lot of green tea in your diet to help maintain the weight loss. Do not add sugar to green tea. You can find a lot of green tea with honey, and if you want something with a little more flavor. There cinnamon or green tea available. Absolutely delicious, and you do not even really know green tea. Many people complain about the taste, but I love it. However, different flavors of green tea. You should be able to find one that suits your taste

The spread of the disease.

2. Replace soft drinks with green tea and ice coffee with hot green tea. From start to replace the morning coffee with hot green tea. If you drink a lot of soda and replace it with green tea ice. Maybe you should store the hot green tea, green tea hot if you prefer hot and cold drinks. Get into the routine, so you do not crave soft drinks and coffee instead. If you drink a lot of soft drinks, which is a lot of caffeine. In addition, the soda is useful in weight loss. Soda contains a lot of sugar and caffeine (more than green tea), and high in calories. And obesity are associated with soft drinks. The amount of sugar is also.

3. Niagen Drink green tea with berries. Now there is green tea, which contains the berries, too. Berries, green tea also promotes weight loss. You might be familiar with berries, and hearing about it on Oprah. Drink a combination of powerful antioxidants in each drink is very healthy in general. Still maintaining a good diet in general by drinking green tea. These drinks help to promote weight loss, but still have to eat right and exercise daily.

4. Try green tea pills. I've never tried the green tea pills myself. I recommend drinking green tea instead Royal. For those who absolutely hate the taste of green tea, then take green tea supplements. You may want to consult a doctor when this decision. Although I do not think it should be a problem. Only green tea is a negative side effect of caffeine. It is not a lot of caffeine in green tea. I think some of these pills do not contain caffeine.

Full physical training of the muscles and fitness

Full physical training of the muscles and fitness

Balance, strength and flexibility training and cardiovascular exercise routine are the foundations. Each element is equally important, although the time to devote to each varies. You must subscribe to endurance cardiovascular heart to work most days a week for at least 30 minutes. Trying to fit in at least 15 minutes a day to stretching and flexibility, while should be strength training at least two or three non-consecutive days each week.

The muscle is designed to work in harmony, as a system. All parts of the body treatment on an equal footing in the exercise that your body is working efficiently during training and while doing various daily activities as well.

Core muscle stability
Is to promote basic balance and stability. This is the abdominal muscles and the central region, lower back and hips. It also supports the spine and pelvis, and strengthen these muscles leads to efficiency in the daily movements and improve the situation. Panels, side panels and bridges floor are three examples of the core strengtheners effective. Maintain the panels for 30 to 60 seconds at a time, and increase your time as you get stronger. Land bridges can be performed with 3-4 sets of 15 repetitions. Other ways to enhance the essence balancing on one leg during resistance training position or lying or sitting resistance exercises performed on a stability ball.

There are a good amount of resistance
Resistance - or resistance training - use cables, weights, weight machines, body exercises or anything that provides the strength of the opposition. All should work

Basic - chest and back muscles, abs and legs are all arms and shoulders. Gain muscle and keep your metabolism elevated to need more energy to maintain than fat, which in turn burns more calories during daily activities, even at rest. Resistance training also makes daily activities much easier, since you are growing muscle helps to carry things or push things, such as cart full of groceries.

relieve stress
Flexibility training involves lengthening the muscles, which usually is done by stretching. All muscle groups stretching almost every day, or at least six days a week, to ease the tension and remove knots in the muscle that can cause pain and injury. Dynamic stretches - where active movement occur to lengthen muscles - must be completed in a group of ten repetitions before the exercise. Examples of vital areas include orientation side with a touch of the heel, and arm circles and kicking butt. Static stretching to maintain the position where lengthen the muscles that will be held for a period of not less than 30 seconds per occurred after exercise. An example of this type of bends and stretches up to the toes. To remove a node, and use a foam roller or expansion. With a foam roller, find a sore spot in a particular part of the body. This place is held firmly on a foam roller for 30 seconds.

Oxygen passes into energy
Part of the resistance exercise training of heart and blood vessels of heart and blood vessels, while the oxygen-rich blood from the heart and lungs to supply the muscle tissue, and muscle, in contrast, the use of oxygen as energy of the movement. There are several ways to keep your heart rate elevated for a long period of time, including running brisk walking, climbing stairs, cycling or swimming. If you can not fit in at least 30 minutes in a row, you can still benefit from at least three groups of not less than 10 minutes at a time.

How teeth whitening using lemon juice

How teeth whitening using lemon juice

There are many ways to whiten your teeth at home without having to pay high rates of professional tooth whitening systems. Lemon juice is an acid, and lead to tooth loss of calcium, making your teeth whiter.

Things You'll Need
Sodium bicarbonate
Toothpaste containing fluoride

1. Brush and floss your teeth as you normally would.

2. Place the baking soda and a drop of lemon juice on your toothbrush.

3. Brush your teeth for the second time with the lemon mixture of baking soda and juice.

4. Rinse your mouth with

Remedios fast weight loss in 10 days

Remedios fast weight loss in 10 days
If you have a big event before and want to lose weight very quickly, do not despair. There are many treatments for rapid weight loss that you can do at the moment. See delivery pounds (or look like they have).

1. Select your goal
First, think about what you want to achieve. Realistic and realize that in 10 days, with effort, you can expect to lose between one and five pounds, most of which will be the weight of water.

Then, do you want all the weight loss or focus primarily on the part of the body, such as the hips? If you just try to fit in those tight jeans, and find the exercises that address the point of conflict. There are many videos that offer exercise and to achieve tangible results within 10 days. The practice of some popular exercise videos on the market, such as the company, Jillian Michaels (of "The Biggest Loser" TV) and Callanetics. While your weight may not change right off the bat, it can be a bit tone make your clothes fit tighter the better.

2. exercise more
If you do not exercise, start with walking for 30 minutes. (You can break in three 10-minute walks if necessary.) If you already exercise, do more. For example, if you walk for 30 minutes, go for an hour. Consider adding another type of exercise. If you walk, as well as swimming or video to the mix. Variety will increase your metabolism so that you will not lose weight faster.

3. Eat with moderation
I say no to all snacks between meals. When you hit the lure, and drink a glass of water instead. At meal times, limit yourself to one serving and avoid added fat, sugar and salt as much as possible. Eat slowly to savor every bite and allow your body to register that you are satisfied.

Niagen NOTE: If you are diabetic or have other special dietary needs, ask your doctor or dietitian before your diet change.

4. distracted
Find ways to break bad habits. If you always grab the cake when you walk

At the door, facing the home instead. If you feel you must have something in his mouth, and pop in a mint or a lollipop. Play Solitaire while you're watching TV so do not be tempted to grab the potato chips.

5. Keep junk food out
If potatoes, cakes, soft drinks, chips are not home, you will not be tempted to eat them. When shopping, stay away from fast food and bakery aisles.

6. Drink water
What I think is hunger may actually be the first signs of dehydration, according to health experts and fitness Bob Greene. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day 8OZ to prevent hunger and take the fat from your body. If you feel hungry, try drinking a glass of water and then wait 20 minutes or so. If you still feel hungry, eat some bread, whole grains, lean protein and vegetables (such as broccoli or carrots).

7. The right to choose
While you can lose weight and tone your body significantly in 10 days, which is a more realistic option is to choose the suit that is flattering to you as you are now. Choose styles that highlight the best features and attract less than perfect look away from your points. The use of internal fit well and the formation of the body some extra help.

How to exercise the muscles of the eyes

How to exercise the muscles of the eyes
Not all doctors are convinced that the practice of eye muscles can eliminate the need for glasses, but most of them agree that strengthen the muscles around the eye, certainly will not hurt. Muscle strengthening exercises eyes are especially useful for people who spend long hours looking at a computer screen. Appropriate exercises can strengthen the eye and relax, relieve a lot of stress and fatigue that comes from eye strain. Read on to learn how to exercise the muscles of the eye.

Strengthen the eye muscles

1. faced the front, without turning his head, looking up to the maximum extent possible. Search in a circle to the right to be considered the greatest extent possible, and then examine the eye to the bottom and left. Close your eyes and relax for a few seconds. Repeat in the opposite direction, looking up first and then turn left. Repeat 10-15 times.

2. Imagine that you are looking at the scene. Look at the right corner of the arena and the placebo, and then down to the left corner to the upper left corner and down to the lower right corner. Repeat in the opposite direction. Repeat 10-15 times.

3. Rotate the eyes in full circles, top, right, bottom left. Repeat in the other direction. Continue until your eyes start to feel a little tired.

4. close your eyes and squeeze them together as much as possible. open your eyes. Repeat 10-15 times.

5. crossing your eyes and look at the tip of his nose. Hold the position as long as you can, and then close your eyes and relax. Start with two or three repetitions and

Even work at least 10 repetitions.

6. Focus your eyes on the point between the eyebrows for a few seconds. Close your eyes and relax for a few seconds. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Vydox Improve visual focus

1. Go outside and look at something in the distance, at least a mile away. Regardless of whether you really can not "see" but looking at things in the distance is a good way to work on the muscles that help the eye focus. Hold for five seconds.

2. Choose something about 25 feet away and try to focus on as clearly as possible. Hold for five seconds.

3. Look at some of the medium, or a block away from the group. Try to focus as clearly as possible. Hold for five seconds.

4. Select the point as much as possible and try to focus as much as possible. Hold for five seconds.

5. exercise cycle through several times a day.

10 worst foods that make you gain weight

10 worst foods that make you gain weight

Although the exercises play a role in good health, and the quality of your diet has the greatest impact on your weight. Foods that make you gain weight is not just the usual suspects, such as soda or fast food - which also include so-called "health" or food that is easy to overeat food. It is not necessary to completely eliminate all foods on our list of expert care, but you should exercise moderation.

Sweetened yogurt
He praised the milk on a large scale as a health food, but still pack sugary tons of sugar and calories and additives varieties. Low-fat versions is a private sugary, because the manufacturers to add more sweetness taste. However, yogurt does have some health benefits, including protein, vitamin A, and vitamin D, which make it worth eating. Service yogurt with berries or natural raw organic honey for sweetness.

Nuts and seeds
Yes, nuts and seeds healthy - that are high in fiber and healthy fats such as magnesium and basic metals. They are easy to overeat, making it the best diet for weight gain as well. An average of 160 calories per ounce, it can easily hundreds of calories while snacking. Keep the serving size to a quarter cup of raw organic nuts and choose the healthiest option.

Canned juices
And it provides vitamins and minerals juice, but juice packaging is still one of the worst foods for weight loss. It is loaded many of the juices, including green, organic canned juice, with sugar and processed either through high temperature and high pressure, leaving them less nutritional value of fresh juice pressure. Keep your juice is even at home with organic products. If you need to get on the packaging juice, look for varieties with less than 10 grams of sugar in a bottle.

Low-fat products
Fat naturally because they provide a lot of flavor, and when food manufacturers gathered to offset the burden of sugary foods and chemical additives. These supplements cause high blood sugar that contribute to weight gain. When reading labels, remember that the fewer ingredients are always the best.

Sugary cereals
The breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but if you choose sugary cereals that are not doing any favors. And often it handles high-sugary cereal, high in sugar and low in fiber, so they are not particularly filling. Check the list of ingredients and adhere to the grain with short ingredient lists and identify the use of ingredients. Avoid any grain with high-fructose corn syrup or butylated hydroxytoluene, BHT sometimes called, a chemical associated with weight gain.

Niagen Gluten-free foods
Canned food without gluten seems healthier than their counterparts containing gluten, but this is not always the case. Often replace ingredients containing gluten with high starch items such as rice or potatoes. Which is higher than carbohydrates and fat and low in protein compared with their counterparts in wheat, rye and barley. They are also less in

Fiber, so you will feel more hungry after a meal and more likely to overeat and gain weight. Remember, just because it does not mean they are healthy gluten-free. Gluten-free cookie is still a cookie!

Protein powders and bars
Marketing focused on the health of protein supplements makes it look healthy, but a lot of protein still make you gain weight. Most people - even athletes - get enough protein with a balanced diet, and are converted calories from fat for extra protein. Forget about using protein bars as an alternative to a healthy meal. And glorify Most of these pieces of candy bars only with the terminology used in the packaging and marketing luxury. Instead, own your own health bars oats early to make so you can eat on the road.

Refined grains
Carbohydrates make you feel full of energy, but you have to choose the most appropriate. Refined flour, for example, are stripped of their fiber, vitamins and minerals and can make you gain weight. Instead, go for the full grain. Foods labeled simply "whole wheat" may still contain some refined flour, and so look for "100 percent whole grain" or "100 percent whole wheat" on the label.

Sweetened beverages (including coffee!)
As water and sugar with little or no nutritional value, it is not surprising that soft drinks and juices lead to weight gain, but sugar-sweetened coffee lattes and well-being is often overlooked as a food fattening. Syrup, whipped cream and caramel in these drinks up to hundreds of calories per meal, and because the calorie liquid is not satisfactory such as solid food, you may not even feel full when it's gone. Stick to plain coffee - hot or cold drawn - served with a splash of milk-fat or no organic almond milk without sugar.

Fried and processed foods
It does not have to say that fried foods and processed make you gain weight, but the worst criminals may surprise you. It examined the study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, eating more than 120,000 men and women over 20 years and potato habits that have been identified - especially potatoes - such as food more strongly linked to weight gain. Eat these foods in moderation to maintain a healthy weight, and try to replace a healthy potatoes at home. Sweet potatoes work well instead of baked or grilled potatoes, steamed broccoli and mashed turnips or acts like a low-carbohydrate substitute for mashed potatoes.

Foods to avoid suffering from kidney disease

Foods to avoid suffering from kidney disease
It must be people who suffer from kidney (or renal) follow a very strict diet disease. Simply eating "healthy" is not even an option. Kidney is the work of liquidation. When the kidneys and some metals and products fail is no longer filtered. These products accumulate in the blood, and finally the person has to have dialysis for the withdrawal of the product and "cleanse the blood stream." Restrict harmful foods that help kidney patients to avoid complications.

Excessive salt intake causes a person to retain water. Water retention can be very dangerous for people suffering from kidney failure because they can not get rid of excess fluid through urination. Excess salt can also lead to high blood pressure, a problem often associated with kidney failure. Chronic high blood pressure can lead to worsening of renal failure.

One of the most dangerous for patients with renal insufficiency food rich in potassium. Potassium is filtered by the kidneys. High levels of potassium can cause heart failure, serious heart rhythm and even sudden death. Potassium-rich foods include bananas, oranges, tomatoes, dried fruit and vegetables, milk, chocolate, nuts and seeds and dairy products. Foods low in potassium include apples, strawberries, melons, fresh beans, lettuce, cucumbers, onions and vanilla-flavored sweets. It must kidney diet contains less than 2000 mg of potassium daily. Many salt substitutes contain potassium, which is essential to read the posters. And snuff and chewing snuff also contain a lot of potassium, so it should avoid these products


Also, avoid foods rich in phosphorus. Cola, peanut butter, nuts, liver and dairy products are all rich in phosphorus. Broccoli, non-dairy cream, sherbet, winter squash and candy contain low phosphorus ratio. Not only phosphorus accumulates in the bloodstream, but also draws calcium from the bones, creating complications associated with low levels of calcium. If patients are not able to maintain the levels of calcium in the diet alone, calcium supplements doctor may prescribe them.

Vydox Protein
Protein molecules are among the most difficult for the kidneys to filter. Filter proteins convert urea, a waste product in the blood, which causes kidney patients are very sick, and should be dialyzed to remove. While protein is necessary to build and maintain healthy muscles and infection control should be limited strictly. And protein-rich foods include meat, poultry, eggs and milk. Beans and vegetable sources of low-protein foods.

One of the most important dietary restrictions for kidney patients is to control the amount of fluids. People in the later stages of kidney failure become a little urine (urine produces very little) or even aliguric (produce any urine at all). Fluid accumulates in the body between dialysis treatments. Excess fluid can cause an accumulation of fluid in the lungs and even death. Fluids should be limited, including foods that contain a high proportion of water.

Processed foods and spices
It is extremely important, especially for kidney patients, and read the labels. Processed foods such as frozen dinners and soups, and are often very high in sodium. Many of the sauces, such as meat or barbecue sauce and spices and massages are not only high in sodium but can be very high in potassium too. Reading labels will help to avoid these foods.