Tuesday 25 August 2015

How to remove bags under the eyes

How to remove bags under the eyes
Like any other part of the body, the lower eyelid be affected by the aging process. Muscle weakness, deposits and genetics fat all conspire to make skin wrinkles and bags under the eyes. Although most medical experts agree that the bags under the eyes visible can be eliminated only through plastic surgery, and there are non-surgical alternative ways that can help reduce inflammation associated with bags under the eyes and helps to improve the appearance of your eyes.

Non-surgical treatments

1. Get more sleep. Most health experts recommend at least seven to nine hours of sleep every day. Sleeping on your side or with the lifting of the head slightly elevated nasal drainage and help prevent the accumulation of fluid around the eyes, causing inflammation.

2. Your diet change. Control salt intake does not exceed the upper limit recommended by the American Heart Association 1500 mg per day. Excess salt encourages fluid retention, which is usually the underlying cause of bags under the eyes. Choose a full nutrient-rich foods such as raw vegetables and fruits. The doctor recommended eight or nine glasses of water a day for drinking. Avoid foods and beverages that contribute to fluid retention, such as processed foods, alcohol and coffee.

3. exercise the muscles around the eyes. It can include daily facial exercises that tighten and improve blood circulation specific episode of the muscles around the eyes help reduce the appearance of bags under the eyes.

4. The use of acupressure. Put the index finger on either side of the nose and gently apply pressure for 10 seconds, and maintain either pressure or moving your fingers in a circular motion. Repeat five times. According facial exercises, this gentle massage release toxins that contribute to the accumulation of bags under the eyes.

5. Niagen Apply cold compress. Dry place

Hand towel in the refrigerator and leave to cool. Remove cool towel, lie down and place it on your eyes for 15 minutes. Repeat twice a day. Cold helps reduce swelling.

6. Apply cold slices option. Put two slices of cucumber in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Remove from the refrigerator, and lie down, and apply to the eyes closed for 15 minutes.

7. consult a plastic surgeon or dermatologist to determine whether you are a candidate for Botox treatment healthy. Injection needle filled with bags under the eyes, Botox usually begins to work within 24 to 36 hours, although the full impact may take a week to 14 days. Results last from four to six months. You can make Botox costs ranging between $ 377-510 $.

Surgical treatment

1. lower eyelid blepharoplasty: This surgery removes wrinkles under the eyes and excess folds of skin and give a boost to the eye.

2. consult a cosmetic surgeon to determine whether you are a candidate for this healthy cosmetic surgery. And it is usually done on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. We expect bruising and swelling after surgery.

3. The average cost is blepharoplasty

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