Tuesday 25 August 2015

How to go on a juice fast properly

How to go on a juice fast properly

How to go on a juice fast properly. Besides getting rid of diabetes, and a number of diseases and conditions and diseases. Number one invention of the juice fast is weight loss. There are so many diets out there that promise quick weight loss, but how many of them are in good health, and give the FAT rapid weight loss, and in fact continue? Not many ... in fact very few. The great thing about Juice fasting is that it can not only lose up to 1.5 pounds a day on it, but also cleanse the body of toxins and dead cells fatty acids, also known as cellulite. EWW, no one wants it!

What is juice fasting anyway? I'm sure there are many of you who have not heard this term! Well, fasting juice consumed in basis only water and juice for a certain number of days. It is not uncommon for a juice fast for 100 days, but a juice fast is usually between 7-40 days. There are, however, of any age to drink juice. Juice has to be organic fruits, vegetables and freshly made. Even if you have a juicer, and this is the best time to invest in one.

Despite the rapid weight loss is an incentive juice, and many people do it for other reasons as well. Juice fasting cleanses the body and mental state of your own, goodbye emotional baggage.

This juice is as easy as it may seem there quickly precautions that must be taken, as well as mandatory to take follow-up measures.

WEIGHT LOSS: Usually, the first few days of juice quickly lose anywhere 0-3 pounds. After that is located in a fixed number anywhere in the 0.3 to 1.5 pounds per day. If you are looking to lose 10 £, two weeks to a good number. However, if you are looking to lose 20-50 pounds for 30 to 45 days of fasting is ideal.

Things You'll Need
A juicer
Organic fruits and vegetables from your nearest farmers market
Mind goal-oriented!
1. Doctor! I must say that you should consult with your doctor before taking the juice quickly. Mostly what this writer will not be prosecuted, but be careful with medications such as appetite and weight suppression therapy assistants loss. Remember to clean your body is part of this plan, and add more chemicals and drugs that are not a good idea. Of course, if you are already drugs that do not suggest you stop. A lot of people have been on the juice fast medication of any kind after it is no longer necessary. Something for your mind to chew ... (but not from the mouth)

2. Preparation of juice quickly.
It does not plan to simply soak in the juice fast with miraculous results. First you need to train your body to not crave the juice and leaves quickly on the second day. Week before the fast begins, skipping the following: all dairy products, meat, poultry, eggs, fish, processed foods, fast foods, no preservatives or dyes, materials, hydrogenated oils or partially hydrogenated, soybean (from now all soy products containing genetically modified organisms US ), refined white sugar and white flour.

So maybe your thinking ... what I can get ???
Well, you can have fruit, raw vegetables or steamed, brown rice, whole wheat bread, durum wheat pasta, organic food and packaged nuts ... etc.

3. Buy your juice!
If you do not already have one will certainly have to invest in a juicer. Good mixers extract all the juice minus ranging between $ 150 and fiber. If this is too much to look at community forums such as Craigs List to see if someone has a liquor for sale or abandoned. After seeing the result of weight loss and how to clean your body feel, trust me it is worth.

4. buy supplies organic

fruits and vegetables.
So get to work. Once you have the mind "go" from your doctor, juicer, goal oriented and it's time to get dirty. Why do you need organic fruits and vegetables anyway? Well, organic products free of pesticides and chemicals, and any GM could hurt him. To make sure that there is something organic look in the label placed on it must begin with the number 9. If for some reason you can not afford organic fruits and vegetables, and make sure everyone in front of him peel juice.

5. juices.
Even fruit and vegetable juice? Usually you juice the following: carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, oranges, spinach, turnips, celery, beets, red leaf lettuce. Try to avoid juices consisting of only fruit, mixing as you can.

6. daily consumption of juice and water:
Juices in a typical day you want to have about 1 liter of juice with 10 or more glasses of water. If you do not wine from the water, get into the habit. What do wonders in helping the toxins and excess fat from the body.

7. feel hungry ???
The threat of hunger and people rarely felt real hunger to many people and children all over the world feel. I have news for you. It's okay to feel hungry! Really do not die of hunger to feel a little from time to time.
But do not worry, you will feel a little hungry in the beginning, but fill juice and saturation of the abdomen. After a period of time in your own juice quickly and you will begin to see that it is a concern that confuse you are hungry (not the same hunger).

8. temptations.
Of course, we expect temptations. If you allow to control up to you. When I start craving something we are trying to remember why juice fasting began. Facing cravings rather than distract. In fact, a good indicator to cleanse the body is the concern you get! So I see it as a good thing and think of all those chemicals and toxins leaving your body forever. Definitely worth having some intense desire temptations.

9. overweight.
After the completion of his fast, either 7 or 50 days. You will gain a little weight, not all, but only a little until the balance of its entry into solid foods. And therefore it is not expected to frighten several pounds after the fast has ended.

10. Cancellation of fasting:
As difficult as it is to believe, the hardest part is not the fast itself, but ends quickly. It is very important how your fast ends. Remember, the digestive system has had a long break and can not bombard the poor with food on the first day you are free to rapid juice. Reduction of fasting, drinking 8 ounces of peach in 16 ounces of water throughout the night. When you're ready to break the fast, drink water and eat prunes soaked. This will help in the process of digestion, a good bridge to eat solid foods again.

To prevent overeating, binge eating, and go wild after the continuation of our rapid juice or juice once or twice a day before meals. Preservation of fruit and raw vegetables in your diet.

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