Tuesday, 25 August 2015

How to whiten your teeth naturally

How to whiten your teeth naturally
It seems that every time you watch TV or read a magazine, there is the announcement of a new product or process and teeth whitening. Some methods cause pain or pain - usually those with bleaching agents such as hydrogen peroxide - and others are expensive. If you are looking for a natural alternative to bleach to prevent side effects or simply to save some money, and several available methods using elements of daily life and food.

fruits and vegetables
Eat fruits and vegetables. Crunchy like apples, pears, carrots, celery remove stains from teeth through abrasive fabric, leaving a bright enamel. Apple also contains natural astringent to rise tooth discoloration. Rub orange peel on the teeth whitening for a nice effect. It is not a substitute for the lemon peel, acid, can strip the enamel of the teeth.

Other foods
Chewing sugar-free gum with xylitol prevents plaque and stimulates the production of saliva naturally cleans the entire mouth, including between and around the teeth. Chewing some cheese after eating proven to prevent tooth decay. Calcium and phosphorus in cheese, milk and milk stimulates the remineralization of tooth enamel.

And thread

Floss once a day at least, in addition to brushing twice or more a day. Spots on both sides of the teeth as well as the overall appearance darker and flossing removes substances that cause this color. Floss also helps keep the gums that complements the brightness of his smile healthy.

Niagen Sodium bicarbonate
According to the American Dental Association, and some studies suggest that sodium bicarbonate teeth whitening is very abrasive. However, it contains spots lifting properties and when combined with other ingredients, and can protect the enamel, while whitening. Create your own paste by mixing baking soda with water or just sprinkle a small amount of toothpaste on the brush. Add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into a paste of baking soda increases the whitening effect, but the American Dental Association recommends that you consult your dentist before using whitening product like this. Once the teeth of improvement, and the use of sodium bicarbonate added has shown only once or twice a week. There are different theories about the benefits of adding lemon juice or strawberries with baking soda to whiten your teeth. While some believe it causes more harm than good enamel, and other reports indicate that the use of once or twice a week in the safe. Strawberries contain malic acid, a natural astringent, and seeds as a buffer zone. Mature strawberry crush and mix with a teaspoon of baking soda. Apply the mixture on your teeth and brush usually after about five minutes. Always rinse thoroughly after using any of these ingredients.

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