Tuesday 25 August 2015

Side effects of very rapid weight loss

Side effects of very rapid weight loss
If you are in a hurry to lose weight for that special occasion or just because you patience, he will think twice. Weight can be very aggressive approach backfire you lose in the end, actually cause you to gain weight.

Things to think about
Most of the weight lost is water at the beginning and not the real fat and loss of water can make you dehydrated and lead to the restoration of weight quickly. Also, when the calorie restriction it is also the vitamins and nutrients your body needs credited. In fact, can you run the risk of malnutrition if you're too aggressive in his approach to rapid weight loss. You can also lose weight too quickly leaving you tired, and can potassium and sodium levels drop to the point that you may experience cramps and feeling sick. You can also wreak havoc on the skin and hair.

After the child
If you have just a kid desperate to lose weight, do not be in such a hurry, as it is. Can lose weight too quickly after childbirth affect your ability to successfully breast-feeding, according to the Institute for Quality and Efficiency

Health care in Germany. On average, a woman take 3-6 months to return to their pre-pregnancy weight.

Be smart and take your time
"Good Morning America" ​​medical correspondent Dr. David Katz agree that weight loss after pregnancy should not rush, saying that women should aim to lose about a pound a week. Breastfeeding burns 500 calories a day, and will help you in your quest to lose weight, but you can lose too much too quickly adversely affect the nutrients in breast milk --- and even dry.

Do not confuse your Niagen
Losing weight too quickly confuses the body, according to. If you lose more than a few pounds each week your body will begin to burn its own muscle for energy, and it needs to be healthy muscle. If you do not have any muscle, your metabolism does not work hard, which means you probably will not be able to maintain the weight you've lost anyway. Cause muscle resting metabolism work more difficult. In other words, if you have muscles and still continues to burn calories, while the free muscular body does not burn calories.

The body defend itself
Your body will do everything possible to protect himself. If it is perceived that hunger happens, it will slow down your metabolism automatically down and burn fewer calories, making weight loss more difficult. Rapid weight loss can damage even your metabolism.

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