Tuesday 25 August 2015

Which makes it useful green tea to lose weight

Which makes it useful green tea to lose weight
The use of green tea for weight loss. You can not only use drinking green tea to lose weight, but the application can use the real green tea supplements instead. Green tea is made from the Camellia sinensis tree leaves. They come from China, which is used in many Asian cultures. It has been known to use herbal medicine. It supports a healthy immune system. Green tea is made up of powerful antioxidants, which increases the metabolism. Antioxidants in green tea catechin material is polyphenois. This antioxidant helps to promote the practice of reducing the amount of carbohydrates longer used. Because green tea increases the metabolism, you can burn body fat faster. Good training by drinking green tea is recommended.


1. Try to get a 4-5 cups of green tea a day. It's good to try to get a lot of green tea in your diet to help maintain the weight loss. Do not add sugar to green tea. You can find a lot of green tea with honey, and if you want something with a little more flavor. There cinnamon or green tea available. Absolutely delicious, and you do not even really know green tea. Many people complain about the taste, but I love it. However, different flavors of green tea. You should be able to find one that suits your taste

The spread of the disease.

2. Replace soft drinks with green tea and ice coffee with hot green tea. From start to replace the morning coffee with hot green tea. If you drink a lot of soda and replace it with green tea ice. Maybe you should store the hot green tea, green tea hot if you prefer hot and cold drinks. Get into the routine, so you do not crave soft drinks and coffee instead. If you drink a lot of soft drinks, which is a lot of caffeine. In addition, the soda is useful in weight loss. Soda contains a lot of sugar and caffeine (more than green tea), and high in calories. And obesity are associated with soft drinks. The amount of sugar is also.

3. Niagen Drink green tea with berries. Now there is green tea, which contains the berries, too. Berries, green tea also promotes weight loss. You might be familiar with berries, and hearing about it on Oprah. Drink a combination of powerful antioxidants in each drink is very healthy in general. Still maintaining a good diet in general by drinking green tea. These drinks help to promote weight loss, but still have to eat right and exercise daily.

4. Try green tea pills. I've never tried the green tea pills myself. I recommend drinking green tea instead Royal. For those who absolutely hate the taste of green tea, then take green tea supplements. You may want to consult a doctor when this decision. Although I do not think it should be a problem. Only green tea is a negative side effect of caffeine. It is not a lot of caffeine in green tea. I think some of these pills do not contain caffeine.

Full physical training of the muscles and fitness

Full physical training of the muscles and fitness

Balance, strength and flexibility training and cardiovascular exercise routine are the foundations. Each element is equally important, although the time to devote to each varies. You must subscribe to endurance cardiovascular heart to work most days a week for at least 30 minutes. Trying to fit in at least 15 minutes a day to stretching and flexibility, while should be strength training at least two or three non-consecutive days each week.

The muscle is designed to work in harmony, as a system. All parts of the body treatment on an equal footing in the exercise that your body is working efficiently during training and while doing various daily activities as well.

Core muscle stability
Is to promote basic balance and stability. This is the abdominal muscles and the central region, lower back and hips. It also supports the spine and pelvis, and strengthen these muscles leads to efficiency in the daily movements and improve the situation. Panels, side panels and bridges floor are three examples of the core strengtheners effective. Maintain the panels for 30 to 60 seconds at a time, and increase your time as you get stronger. Land bridges can be performed with 3-4 sets of 15 repetitions. Other ways to enhance the essence balancing on one leg during resistance training position or lying or sitting resistance exercises performed on a stability ball.

There are a good amount of resistance
Resistance - or resistance training - use cables, weights, weight machines, body exercises or anything that provides the strength of the opposition. All should work

Basic - chest and back muscles, abs and legs are all arms and shoulders. Gain muscle and keep your metabolism elevated to need more energy to maintain than fat, which in turn burns more calories during daily activities, even at rest. Resistance training also makes daily activities much easier, since you are growing muscle helps to carry things or push things, such as cart full of groceries.

relieve stress
Flexibility training involves lengthening the muscles, which usually is done by stretching. All muscle groups stretching almost every day, or at least six days a week, to ease the tension and remove knots in the muscle that can cause pain and injury. Dynamic stretches - where active movement occur to lengthen muscles - must be completed in a group of ten repetitions before the exercise. Examples of vital areas include orientation side with a touch of the heel, and arm circles and kicking butt. Static stretching to maintain the position where lengthen the muscles that will be held for a period of not less than 30 seconds per occurred after exercise. An example of this type of bends and stretches up to the toes. To remove a node, and use a foam roller or expansion. With a foam roller, find a sore spot in a particular part of the body. This place is held firmly on a foam roller for 30 seconds.

Oxygen passes into energy
Part of the resistance exercise training of heart and blood vessels of heart and blood vessels, while the oxygen-rich blood from the heart and lungs to supply the muscle tissue, and muscle, in contrast, the use of oxygen as energy of the movement. There are several ways to keep your heart rate elevated for a long period of time, including running brisk walking, climbing stairs, cycling or swimming. If you can not fit in at least 30 minutes in a row, you can still benefit from at least three groups of not less than 10 minutes at a time.

How teeth whitening using lemon juice

How teeth whitening using lemon juice

There are many ways to whiten your teeth at home without having to pay high rates of professional tooth whitening systems. Lemon juice is an acid, and lead to tooth loss of calcium, making your teeth whiter.

Things You'll Need
Sodium bicarbonate
Toothpaste containing fluoride

1. Brush and floss your teeth as you normally would.

2. Place the baking soda and a drop of lemon juice on your toothbrush.

3. Brush your teeth for the second time with the lemon mixture of baking soda and juice.

4. Rinse your mouth with

Remedios fast weight loss in 10 days

Remedios fast weight loss in 10 days
If you have a big event before and want to lose weight very quickly, do not despair. There are many treatments for rapid weight loss that you can do at the moment. See delivery pounds (or look like they have).

1. Select your goal
First, think about what you want to achieve. Realistic and realize that in 10 days, with effort, you can expect to lose between one and five pounds, most of which will be the weight of water.

Then, do you want all the weight loss or focus primarily on the part of the body, such as the hips? If you just try to fit in those tight jeans, and find the exercises that address the point of conflict. There are many videos that offer exercise and to achieve tangible results within 10 days. The practice of some popular exercise videos on the market, such as the company, Jillian Michaels (of "The Biggest Loser" TV) and Callanetics. While your weight may not change right off the bat, it can be a bit tone make your clothes fit tighter the better.

2. exercise more
If you do not exercise, start with walking for 30 minutes. (You can break in three 10-minute walks if necessary.) If you already exercise, do more. For example, if you walk for 30 minutes, go for an hour. Consider adding another type of exercise. If you walk, as well as swimming or video to the mix. Variety will increase your metabolism so that you will not lose weight faster.

3. Eat with moderation
I say no to all snacks between meals. When you hit the lure, and drink a glass of water instead. At meal times, limit yourself to one serving and avoid added fat, sugar and salt as much as possible. Eat slowly to savor every bite and allow your body to register that you are satisfied.

Niagen NOTE: If you are diabetic or have other special dietary needs, ask your doctor or dietitian before your diet change.

4. distracted
Find ways to break bad habits. If you always grab the cake when you walk

At the door, facing the home instead. If you feel you must have something in his mouth, and pop in a mint or a lollipop. Play Solitaire while you're watching TV so do not be tempted to grab the potato chips.

5. Keep junk food out
If potatoes, cakes, soft drinks, chips are not home, you will not be tempted to eat them. When shopping, stay away from fast food and bakery aisles.

6. Drink water
What I think is hunger may actually be the first signs of dehydration, according to health experts and fitness Bob Greene. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day 8OZ to prevent hunger and take the fat from your body. If you feel hungry, try drinking a glass of water and then wait 20 minutes or so. If you still feel hungry, eat some bread, whole grains, lean protein and vegetables (such as broccoli or carrots).

7. The right to choose
While you can lose weight and tone your body significantly in 10 days, which is a more realistic option is to choose the suit that is flattering to you as you are now. Choose styles that highlight the best features and attract less than perfect look away from your points. The use of internal fit well and the formation of the body some extra help.

How to exercise the muscles of the eyes

How to exercise the muscles of the eyes
Not all doctors are convinced that the practice of eye muscles can eliminate the need for glasses, but most of them agree that strengthen the muscles around the eye, certainly will not hurt. Muscle strengthening exercises eyes are especially useful for people who spend long hours looking at a computer screen. Appropriate exercises can strengthen the eye and relax, relieve a lot of stress and fatigue that comes from eye strain. Read on to learn how to exercise the muscles of the eye.

Strengthen the eye muscles

1. faced the front, without turning his head, looking up to the maximum extent possible. Search in a circle to the right to be considered the greatest extent possible, and then examine the eye to the bottom and left. Close your eyes and relax for a few seconds. Repeat in the opposite direction, looking up first and then turn left. Repeat 10-15 times.

2. Imagine that you are looking at the scene. Look at the right corner of the arena and the placebo, and then down to the left corner to the upper left corner and down to the lower right corner. Repeat in the opposite direction. Repeat 10-15 times.

3. Rotate the eyes in full circles, top, right, bottom left. Repeat in the other direction. Continue until your eyes start to feel a little tired.

4. close your eyes and squeeze them together as much as possible. open your eyes. Repeat 10-15 times.

5. crossing your eyes and look at the tip of his nose. Hold the position as long as you can, and then close your eyes and relax. Start with two or three repetitions and

Even work at least 10 repetitions.

6. Focus your eyes on the point between the eyebrows for a few seconds. Close your eyes and relax for a few seconds. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Vydox Improve visual focus

1. Go outside and look at something in the distance, at least a mile away. Regardless of whether you really can not "see" but looking at things in the distance is a good way to work on the muscles that help the eye focus. Hold for five seconds.

2. Choose something about 25 feet away and try to focus on as clearly as possible. Hold for five seconds.

3. Look at some of the medium, or a block away from the group. Try to focus as clearly as possible. Hold for five seconds.

4. Select the point as much as possible and try to focus as much as possible. Hold for five seconds.

5. exercise cycle through several times a day.

10 worst foods that make you gain weight

10 worst foods that make you gain weight

Although the exercises play a role in good health, and the quality of your diet has the greatest impact on your weight. Foods that make you gain weight is not just the usual suspects, such as soda or fast food - which also include so-called "health" or food that is easy to overeat food. It is not necessary to completely eliminate all foods on our list of expert care, but you should exercise moderation.

Sweetened yogurt
He praised the milk on a large scale as a health food, but still pack sugary tons of sugar and calories and additives varieties. Low-fat versions is a private sugary, because the manufacturers to add more sweetness taste. However, yogurt does have some health benefits, including protein, vitamin A, and vitamin D, which make it worth eating. Service yogurt with berries or natural raw organic honey for sweetness.

Nuts and seeds
Yes, nuts and seeds healthy - that are high in fiber and healthy fats such as magnesium and basic metals. They are easy to overeat, making it the best diet for weight gain as well. An average of 160 calories per ounce, it can easily hundreds of calories while snacking. Keep the serving size to a quarter cup of raw organic nuts and choose the healthiest option.

Canned juices
And it provides vitamins and minerals juice, but juice packaging is still one of the worst foods for weight loss. It is loaded many of the juices, including green, organic canned juice, with sugar and processed either through high temperature and high pressure, leaving them less nutritional value of fresh juice pressure. Keep your juice is even at home with organic products. If you need to get on the packaging juice, look for varieties with less than 10 grams of sugar in a bottle.

Low-fat products
Fat naturally because they provide a lot of flavor, and when food manufacturers gathered to offset the burden of sugary foods and chemical additives. These supplements cause high blood sugar that contribute to weight gain. When reading labels, remember that the fewer ingredients are always the best.

Sugary cereals
The breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but if you choose sugary cereals that are not doing any favors. And often it handles high-sugary cereal, high in sugar and low in fiber, so they are not particularly filling. Check the list of ingredients and adhere to the grain with short ingredient lists and identify the use of ingredients. Avoid any grain with high-fructose corn syrup or butylated hydroxytoluene, BHT sometimes called, a chemical associated with weight gain.

Niagen Gluten-free foods
Canned food without gluten seems healthier than their counterparts containing gluten, but this is not always the case. Often replace ingredients containing gluten with high starch items such as rice or potatoes. Which is higher than carbohydrates and fat and low in protein compared with their counterparts in wheat, rye and barley. They are also less in

Fiber, so you will feel more hungry after a meal and more likely to overeat and gain weight. Remember, just because it does not mean they are healthy gluten-free. Gluten-free cookie is still a cookie!

Protein powders and bars
Marketing focused on the health of protein supplements makes it look healthy, but a lot of protein still make you gain weight. Most people - even athletes - get enough protein with a balanced diet, and are converted calories from fat for extra protein. Forget about using protein bars as an alternative to a healthy meal. And glorify Most of these pieces of candy bars only with the terminology used in the packaging and marketing luxury. Instead, own your own health bars oats early to make so you can eat on the road.

Refined grains
Carbohydrates make you feel full of energy, but you have to choose the most appropriate. Refined flour, for example, are stripped of their fiber, vitamins and minerals and can make you gain weight. Instead, go for the full grain. Foods labeled simply "whole wheat" may still contain some refined flour, and so look for "100 percent whole grain" or "100 percent whole wheat" on the label.

Sweetened beverages (including coffee!)
As water and sugar with little or no nutritional value, it is not surprising that soft drinks and juices lead to weight gain, but sugar-sweetened coffee lattes and well-being is often overlooked as a food fattening. Syrup, whipped cream and caramel in these drinks up to hundreds of calories per meal, and because the calorie liquid is not satisfactory such as solid food, you may not even feel full when it's gone. Stick to plain coffee - hot or cold drawn - served with a splash of milk-fat or no organic almond milk without sugar.

Fried and processed foods
It does not have to say that fried foods and processed make you gain weight, but the worst criminals may surprise you. It examined the study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, eating more than 120,000 men and women over 20 years and potato habits that have been identified - especially potatoes - such as food more strongly linked to weight gain. Eat these foods in moderation to maintain a healthy weight, and try to replace a healthy potatoes at home. Sweet potatoes work well instead of baked or grilled potatoes, steamed broccoli and mashed turnips or acts like a low-carbohydrate substitute for mashed potatoes.

Foods to avoid suffering from kidney disease

Foods to avoid suffering from kidney disease
It must be people who suffer from kidney (or renal) follow a very strict diet disease. Simply eating "healthy" is not even an option. Kidney is the work of liquidation. When the kidneys and some metals and products fail is no longer filtered. These products accumulate in the blood, and finally the person has to have dialysis for the withdrawal of the product and "cleanse the blood stream." Restrict harmful foods that help kidney patients to avoid complications.

Excessive salt intake causes a person to retain water. Water retention can be very dangerous for people suffering from kidney failure because they can not get rid of excess fluid through urination. Excess salt can also lead to high blood pressure, a problem often associated with kidney failure. Chronic high blood pressure can lead to worsening of renal failure.

One of the most dangerous for patients with renal insufficiency food rich in potassium. Potassium is filtered by the kidneys. High levels of potassium can cause heart failure, serious heart rhythm and even sudden death. Potassium-rich foods include bananas, oranges, tomatoes, dried fruit and vegetables, milk, chocolate, nuts and seeds and dairy products. Foods low in potassium include apples, strawberries, melons, fresh beans, lettuce, cucumbers, onions and vanilla-flavored sweets. It must kidney diet contains less than 2000 mg of potassium daily. Many salt substitutes contain potassium, which is essential to read the posters. And snuff and chewing snuff also contain a lot of potassium, so it should avoid these products


Also, avoid foods rich in phosphorus. Cola, peanut butter, nuts, liver and dairy products are all rich in phosphorus. Broccoli, non-dairy cream, sherbet, winter squash and candy contain low phosphorus ratio. Not only phosphorus accumulates in the bloodstream, but also draws calcium from the bones, creating complications associated with low levels of calcium. If patients are not able to maintain the levels of calcium in the diet alone, calcium supplements doctor may prescribe them.

Vydox Protein
Protein molecules are among the most difficult for the kidneys to filter. Filter proteins convert urea, a waste product in the blood, which causes kidney patients are very sick, and should be dialyzed to remove. While protein is necessary to build and maintain healthy muscles and infection control should be limited strictly. And protein-rich foods include meat, poultry, eggs and milk. Beans and vegetable sources of low-protein foods.

One of the most important dietary restrictions for kidney patients is to control the amount of fluids. People in the later stages of kidney failure become a little urine (urine produces very little) or even aliguric (produce any urine at all). Fluid accumulates in the body between dialysis treatments. Excess fluid can cause an accumulation of fluid in the lungs and even death. Fluids should be limited, including foods that contain a high proportion of water.

Processed foods and spices
It is extremely important, especially for kidney patients, and read the labels. Processed foods such as frozen dinners and soups, and are often very high in sodium. Many of the sauces, such as meat or barbecue sauce and spices and massages are not only high in sodium but can be very high in potassium too. Reading labels will help to avoid these foods.

Stage 3 cancer, the average life expectancy

Stage 3 cancer, the average life expectancy
Niagen Understanding the chances of survival is a good starting point for the treatment of cancer, because once you understand that the prospects for a solution to win. And the development of cancer is divided into stages, with the later stages are more difficult in treatment and recovery. The third stage of cancer is a step in the final stage (stage IV) and its survival is low life and low life expectancy in that the second phase rate.

Cancer is a malignant growth of cells, where the body can not properly dispose of mutant cells or abnormal. Because cancer cells divide faster than normal cells, in the end they come to control the body, leading to the termination of life as is the risk of vital functions without treatment. Symptoms include weight loss, malaise, night sweats and chills.

Stages of cancer
According to the National Cancer Institute, and the development of cancer it is divided into five stages, each pointing to nearly the extent of tumor spread throughout the system. In the zero stage, the tumor is still confined to the original location. In the first and second stages, the tumor grew and began to expand in the deep layers of the original tissue. In the third phase, the tumor began to spread abroad to the surrounding areas, and some lymph nodes, but has not yet been

Tumor. In the fourth stage, the tumor has spread - spread all over the body to sites away from its original position.

Survival rate of stage
Stay alive in five years, in general, the third phase of cancer depends on the cancer rate experienced by the patient type. For example, according to the rate of survival of the three-stage lung cancer is 15.5 percent, while the survival of three stages of colon cancer rate of about 64 percent. These figures represent the average percentage of patients alive after five years from the date of diagnosis.

Life expectancy
As rates of survival, life expectancy for the third stage of cancer can vary greatly depending on a particular type of cancer that affects the patient. Moreover, according to the Othdid expected life difficult for anything less than the fourth stage of the cancer, because there is still a chance that the cancer can be pushed into remission. Thus, it is impossible to determine the average life expectancy, but on the basis of each individual case.

Even if the doctor gave him less than the average life expectancy for professionals, remember that at best it is only a guess based on the statistics of people suffering from similar cases. Therefore, it is very likely that you will be able to overcome any estimate of life expectancy by a wide margin. A positive attitude essential in the fight against cancer, so keep your head along to maximize the life expectancy with any stage of the cancer.

How to get healthy hair

How to get healthy hair
It does not matter if your hair takes a long time, short or somewhere in between, healthy hair is always in fashion. Learn how to get healthy hair, and how fake it until you get there.

Things You'll Need
proteinizer and rebuilder
Shampoo and conditioner for dry hair / damaged
Deep conditioner
Horse owners cola soft
Advice Niagen

1. may get cut off any split ends. No matter what product demand, not repair split ends, but the court. If you leave the split ends cutters continue to be divided over the shaft as well as damage your hair. Disposal to keep the damage to a minimum.

2. For moderately damaged hair, and find the shampoo and conditioner of good quality. Choose your products specifically for dry / damaged hair.

3. Try to wash your hair less. You can wash your hair every day stripping the natural oils that help protect the hair and keep it looking and feeling healthy. In an attempt to wash your hair every two or three days to maintain the natural moisture balance.

4. Try to use products such as proteinizer and rebuilder if you have very dry hair. Proteinizer and strengthen your hair during reconstructive work at the molecular level to replace what your hair is missing.

5. Try using styling products with the ability to shine additives, such as silicon. They will give your hair shine and help to protect each branch of damage from hot design tools, such as air dryers and iron.

6. Give your hair a break from the heat. Try to use design tools such as hair dryers, irons, curling irons and hot rollers in moderation. Whenever possible, the air and let your hair dry completely or almost all the way and just rap to complete the drying process. Try using iron or hot rollers only every second or third day, it will be easier if you do not wash your hair every day. Just a touch in the morning

Vydox Instead of going through all their routine pattern.

7. Once you have your hair style, spray on shine spray product to combat hair dull. You only need two or three quick shots, so this product will last a long time.

8. Regular trims are a must. Visit your barber every 4-6 weeks for the same ends trimmed to avoid split ends of her hair.

9. If your hair is still looking dry and boring, try to have a semi-permanent color applied to your hair stylist. These colors are free of ammonia and any damaged hair. They simply cover the hair, making it look smooth and shiny. And a darker hair can also make the hair look healthier.

10. I do not want a new color, but the brightness? Exit to gloss instead. This transparent layer gives the hair shine and softness of color, but natural color of your hair will not change a bit.

11. Be good to your hair. Obviously it is damaged in any way in an attempt to avoid a repeat. Avoid a lot of chemical processes, such as colors, wrinkles, and prevent further hair vandals as chlorine and the sun tight elastic bands. Change to a semi-permanent colors, permanent ceasefire for a period of time and cover their hair when they are in the sun or in the pool.

Side effects of very rapid weight loss

Side effects of very rapid weight loss
If you are in a hurry to lose weight for that special occasion or just because you patience, he will think twice. Weight can be very aggressive approach backfire you lose in the end, actually cause you to gain weight.

Things to think about
Most of the weight lost is water at the beginning and not the real fat and loss of water can make you dehydrated and lead to the restoration of weight quickly. Also, when the calorie restriction it is also the vitamins and nutrients your body needs credited. In fact, can you run the risk of malnutrition if you're too aggressive in his approach to rapid weight loss. You can also lose weight too quickly leaving you tired, and can potassium and sodium levels drop to the point that you may experience cramps and feeling sick. You can also wreak havoc on the skin and hair.

After the child
If you have just a kid desperate to lose weight, do not be in such a hurry, as it is. Can lose weight too quickly after childbirth affect your ability to successfully breast-feeding, according to the Institute for Quality and Efficiency

Health care in Germany. On average, a woman take 3-6 months to return to their pre-pregnancy weight.

Be smart and take your time
"Good Morning America" ​​medical correspondent Dr. David Katz agree that weight loss after pregnancy should not rush, saying that women should aim to lose about a pound a week. Breastfeeding burns 500 calories a day, and will help you in your quest to lose weight, but you can lose too much too quickly adversely affect the nutrients in breast milk --- and even dry.

Do not confuse your Niagen
Losing weight too quickly confuses the body, according to. If you lose more than a few pounds each week your body will begin to burn its own muscle for energy, and it needs to be healthy muscle. If you do not have any muscle, your metabolism does not work hard, which means you probably will not be able to maintain the weight you've lost anyway. Cause muscle resting metabolism work more difficult. In other words, if you have muscles and still continues to burn calories, while the free muscular body does not burn calories.

The body defend itself
Your body will do everything possible to protect himself. If it is perceived that hunger happens, it will slow down your metabolism automatically down and burn fewer calories, making weight loss more difficult. Rapid weight loss can damage even your metabolism.

Health Tips daily

Health Tips daily
With all the fad diets and miracle pills, health and dietary supplements that promise radical changes in time for little or no, it may be difficult to determine what is actually good for you. The following are some simple tips for everyday health, you can take steps towards becoming a healthier version of you.

Drink more water
Among the many benefits, and water keeps the joints lubricated and cushioned bodies, controls the temperature of the body and rid the body of waste through the urine. Keep a water bottle with you throughout the day can help you increase your water consumption. The Institute of Medicine recommends that men drink a total of 125 ounces of water a day and women drink 91 ounces a day. An easy way to monitor your hydration levels is through the color of urine. Urine color light, like lemon juice, when properly hydrated, dark yellow, like apple juice, if properly hydrated. Be very careful to drink more water if you're in the hot weather, and to participate in strenuous physical activity, you have a fever or you have to experience nausea and vomiting.

Get your Zzzzs
Adequate sleep helps the body fight your infection, to get more energy to be effective and better performance at work and school. According to data published by Healthypeople.gov that 0.70 percent of all Americans reported getting eight or more hours of sleep each night. Although the chances are you've heard that everyone needs eight hours or more of sleep each night, and

Actual requirements vary depending on age, lifestyle and health. Newborns and infants require more sleep, and between 12 and 18 hours a day. And still the number of hours that need to gradually decline with age, reaching only required from seven to nine hours a night for the average adult.

A healthy diet
And including a variety of foods in your diet, such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains help to ensure you get the nutrients you need. You should also try to limit sweets and sugary drinks and foods high in sodium and fat. Despite the fact that all foods fit in moderation, eat these foods in excess can increase the weight and the risk of diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans provides an easy to help you achieve the goals of healthy food suggestions daily. It is recommended that half of the grains you choose whole grains, vary your protein sources and fill half of your flashed fruits and vegetables at each meal.

Vydox Exercise regularly
Regular exercise has a number of health benefits, including maintaining your weight within a healthy range, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and maintain strong bones and muscles. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that adults participate in 30-60 minutes of moderate at least five days a week of physical activity. In addition to exercising the heart and blood vessels, ACSM recommends that adults participate in strength training 2-3 days a week, making sure to address all the muscle groups, as well as balance, agility and coordination. He suggested flexibility exercises at least two days a week to help maintain range of motion and flexibility also.

Best belly-fat burning exercises

Best belly-fat burning exercises

Its mission will not be achieved to reduce fat in the abdomen by a fair crisis. Stitch formation can strengthen the muscles under layers of fat, but can not burn fat by itself. Only calorie diet system and a commitment to reduce high-intensity cardio training overall body strength and can help you lose fat. But, when implemented, in addition to exercise strong and dietary habits, abdominal exercises can help to reveal a toned Tom once went fat.

Cardio for fat loss
A daily walk in addition to your day healthy, and can help to improve your overall health, but probably will not do much to reduce the layers of fat that settled around her stomach. Stephen H. Boucher, professor of medicine at the University of New South Wales, in research published an article in the 2011 edition of obesity that regular exercise has the effect of "very small" on fat loss. Instead, dozens of studies on exercise its review shows the weight loss that high-intensity training period, which consists of short sessions of effort alternated about relentless with short periods of less intensity or comfort effort, was more effective in stimulating fat burning mechanisms fat in the body. The 2008 edition of the International Journal of Obesity published a study showing that participants who took part in high-intensity intermittent exercise three times a week for 15 weeks lost more weight, especially in the stomachs of those who practiced in DC three times a week.

Making the effectiveness of abdominal fat burning heart in a vicious circle, step mill, elliptical or stationary bicycle warming an easy pace for five minutes then take place 10-15 exercises one to two minutes in the intensity that feels close to its maximum. Between each of these exercises, and to work at an easy pace for a period of recovery on an equal footing. Cool for five minutes to complete the training. This type of exercise can be done three times a week, in addition to a few days to practice the steady rhythm of the heart and to help burn calories.

Strength training
Your stomach will benefit when training the whole body with the work of the resistance. When you build muscle, increase metabolism due to the fact that the muscles are active in the fat tissue metabolism. If you burn calories more efficiently every day, every day, which of course

It becomes thinner - especially the cut portion size and eat lean proteins, fresh vegetables mainly whole grains. The whole body routine that helps to strengthen your core muscles private and can include a maximum recruitment squats, walking lunges, deadlifts, squats, lat pull down, shoulder and foot contemporary bicep curl. Start with a weight that feels heavy for the past few representatives and go for one set of 10-12 repetition of each group exercise. As you get stronger, add more weight and additional games.

Stability and anti-rotation
Crunches and sit-ups can have a go-to abdominal exercises, but they are not the most effective because they target only the first layer of muscle - in the abdomen or rectum - other important muscles and neglect of the essence. Exercises anti-roll stability and training to effectively most of the muscles of the stomach, and require spinae Monument Square lumbar back to work, too. When it comes to the back muscles, you have your whole midsection strong - which means they can be more active, and to improve the situation and seem to reveal a slender half once the external fat loss.

Niagen Abdominal Exercises
Press the anti-roll, chairman of the cable and attach the cable to the passengers and put the chest rise. Understanding dealing with the hand grip on the hand on the chest and walk away from the machine until you feel tension. Take, right front side of the body facing the cable machine and push the knob directly in front of you. Keep your body straight and resist withdrawal of cable resistance, which wants to twisting device. Do 10-15 representatives and then turn to complete the group on the other side.

Board holds - through the holding of body weight per day on their toes, hands, arms, feet, or the outer forearm and foot on one side of the body - the training of effective cross the abdomen, a deep internal aa muscles that help to maintain upright posture. Next change is also happening in the oblique muscles on the sides of your torso. Work to keep these boards from one year to three sets of 30 seconds or more.

Last Train to achieve the stability of the core muscles that will build your own towel are clouds. Log on top of the pushup position on the floor of the wood - each standing on a hand towel or paper plate sliding disk. Walk about 10 feet forward using your hands and shuffle along behind you. Maintaining the buttocks in line with your body to maintain a strong core everywhere. Rest after the first walk, and repeated two or three times.

How to eat a healthy breakfast to return

How to eat a healthy breakfast to return
For many people, the breakfast is a cup of coffee on the run. But even if you hurry, you can make good decisions and breakfast that will provide basic food and energy permanent.

Things You'll Need
English muffin
fruit juice
Peanut Butter
Whole grain bread

1. Eat breakfast with you - do not hide integral bread or cakes, boiled eggs, yogurt or a small jar of peanut butter and some fruit in a bag and take it with you to work.

2. advance store. Buy fresh juices in small containers, whole grains without added sugar only need hot water and boil the eggs hard. This way you will have breakfast every morning ready to take along to work, or you can eat in the car.

3. Be creative. Download a piece of pizza or the remains of the remnants of ceramic package.

4. buy breakfast on their way to work, and if you do not have time to pack breakfast or eat before you leave home. Check out the shops and cafes near your home and on the way to work. Check your own hours and collection to be open early. Avoid buying sweet pastries and cakes, which provide empty

Vydox Will calories and set you up for the decline tremendous energy.

5. choose low-sugar options, high fiber, high protein. Choice of cheese bread and cream, cake and sweetened fruit juices and whole grains scrambled eggs on an English muffin or a slice of quiche.

6. Read the labels on the popular breakfast and energy bars. Many are very high in sugar and are not healthy as they seem.

7. eat something in the morning, even if you're not very hungry. Bananas or apples, healthy snack, or you could have a slice of toasted grain. This is quick and easy to eat at home, and do or buy on the run.

How to whiten your teeth naturally

How to whiten your teeth naturally
It seems that every time you watch TV or read a magazine, there is the announcement of a new product or process and teeth whitening. Some methods cause pain or pain - usually those with bleaching agents such as hydrogen peroxide - and others are expensive. If you are looking for a natural alternative to bleach to prevent side effects or simply to save some money, and several available methods using elements of daily life and food.

fruits and vegetables
Eat fruits and vegetables. Crunchy like apples, pears, carrots, celery remove stains from teeth through abrasive fabric, leaving a bright enamel. Apple also contains natural astringent to rise tooth discoloration. Rub orange peel on the teeth whitening for a nice effect. It is not a substitute for the lemon peel, acid, can strip the enamel of the teeth.

Other foods
Chewing sugar-free gum with xylitol prevents plaque and stimulates the production of saliva naturally cleans the entire mouth, including between and around the teeth. Chewing some cheese after eating proven to prevent tooth decay. Calcium and phosphorus in cheese, milk and milk stimulates the remineralization of tooth enamel.

And thread

Floss once a day at least, in addition to brushing twice or more a day. Spots on both sides of the teeth as well as the overall appearance darker and flossing removes substances that cause this color. Floss also helps keep the gums that complements the brightness of his smile healthy.

Niagen Sodium bicarbonate
According to the American Dental Association, and some studies suggest that sodium bicarbonate teeth whitening is very abrasive. However, it contains spots lifting properties and when combined with other ingredients, and can protect the enamel, while whitening. Create your own paste by mixing baking soda with water or just sprinkle a small amount of toothpaste on the brush. Add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into a paste of baking soda increases the whitening effect, but the American Dental Association recommends that you consult your dentist before using whitening product like this. Once the teeth of improvement, and the use of sodium bicarbonate added has shown only once or twice a week. There are different theories about the benefits of adding lemon juice or strawberries with baking soda to whiten your teeth. While some believe it causes more harm than good enamel, and other reports indicate that the use of once or twice a week in the safe. Strawberries contain malic acid, a natural astringent, and seeds as a buffer zone. Mature strawberry crush and mix with a teaspoon of baking soda. Apply the mixture on your teeth and brush usually after about five minutes. Always rinse thoroughly after using any of these ingredients.

How to improve the eye health nutrition

How to improve the eye health nutrition
Your eyes may be affected by many conditions and diseases, pollution and the natural aging process. Prevent serious illness is easier to handle. It is important to keep the amounts of vitamins and minerals your body requires. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables free of fat and protein and whole grains as well as taking vitamins. Be sure to regular eye exams dates.

Things You'll Need
Vitamins A, B complex, E and C
Metals (copper, zinc, manganese, magnesium, potassium, selenium and chromium)
Cisse amino acids (cysteine ​​and taurine)
Evening primrose oil
Niagen Advice

1. treatment of glaucoma with a lot of vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to increased eye pressure. Vitamin B complex can also help, as bioflavonoids CAN (antioxidants found in plant) foods, vitamin E, and spirulina, which can help improve vision loss from glaucoma.

2. Supplement your diet with cranberry saves to improve their night vision. Berries is also available in the Appendix. Berry helps to strengthen the collagen, and the destruction of free radicals, improve blood flow and oxygen to the eye.

3. reduce the chance of cataracts by including lots

Antioxidants in your diet materials. It destroys free radicals, the cause of most of the fall. Dietary supplements that can help include vitamins C, A, E, and B complex as well as copper, zinc, manganese, magnesium, potassium, selenium and chromium. You can reduce the sugar intake also helps.

4. Avoid macular degeneration with daily multi-vitamin complex system which includes B, beta-carotene, and vitamins C and E, selenium, and zinc, and lycopene. Other useful garlic supplements, lutein, zeaxanthin, bioflavonoids, amino acids cysteine ​​and taurine.

5. treatment with dry eye in evening primrose oil essential fatty acids. You can also try ginkgo, potassium, vitamins C, E and B complex is also useful to avoid refined sugar and artificial sweeteners.

How to eat healthy and thick hair

How to eat healthy and thick hair

Our skin and hair reflect the food we eat. Hence the cliché, "You are what you eat." That's right. I have seen all the headlights in good health, all the skin soft and thick, healthy hair. With a twinkle in his eyes and a wide smile and teeth. These people are beautiful paintings naturally good nutrition. It can also be. Get beautiful hair from the inside out. Proper nutrition and sufficient water do wonders for your appearance. Let's get the hair healthy by eating a balanced diet. Follow these steps to clean up and eat good food to help you get thick hair, shiny and healthy at any age.

Things You'll Need
Lean protein
Fruits and vegetables colors
Healthy fats

1. Eat protein for healthy hair
Increase your intake of protein healthy. Strong and flexible healthy hair. Most women do not get the recommended 37-50 grams of protein per day recommended, which could lead to a limp, thinning hair quantity. Consume large amounts of protein ensures the health of the hair thicker and stronger. Include more soybeans, nuts and low-fat dairy products, beans, lean meats, fish and eggs in their diet and meat.

Protein remarkable power houses for hair include nuts, salmon and flax seeds, which are full of Omega 3. Omega 3S play an active role in the health of the hair. Nutrients eggs are loaded with vitamin B12 is often lacking in women with thinning hair women.

2. Eat a rainbow of healthy hair
Increase the amount of antioxidants. Antioxidants keep your hair strong and healthy and help your hair to hormonal changes associated with aging. Research shows that phytochemicals found in brightly colored fruits and vegetables offers

Vydox The huge benefits of healthy hair. Choose one service a day at least from each of the four groups of the colors of the rainbow - red, orange, green and purple.

Choose red foods include strawberries, cherries, pomegranate, watermelon, tomatoes and peppers.

They include oranges, apricots, cantaloupe, oranges, mangoes, peaches, carrots, sweet potatoes and pumpkin yellow and orange foods and pepper, and squash

Suggestions of green foods, asparagus, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, green beans, grapes and kiwi.

And it includes a variety purple blackberries, blueberries, grapes, peaches, plums and raisins.

3. eating good fat for healthy hair
Increasing the amount of unsaturated fats (monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and omega-3 fatty acids) Links to help healthy hair growth. The use of these good fats instead of other fats to increase the brightness and bounce in her hair.

Include good sources of foods rich in fat, avocados, nuts and seeds, fat, cold water fish (tuna, mackerel and salmon), flaxseed and walnuts. Good fats play an important role in the health of the hair.

How to lose £ 20 in 6 weeks

How to lose £ 20 in 6 weeks
As the New Year is fast approaching why not resolve to be 20 £ thinner, in time for the holiday of love? So if you are one, there is no better time than the present to commit themselves to be more disciplined version of the same in the new year. The next article will provide a simple dietary measures that will require some sacrifices, but yield greater rewards. Do something bold, reinvent.

Things You'll Need
2-5 pounds handweights
An additional measure of strength of will
Training suit
20-30 minutes a day for exercise
Niagen Advice

1. Drink eight glasses of ice water a day. Remove all other liquids. This will speed up your metabolism and get rid of the calories you do not need it.

2. Find a training program 20 minutes 30 days shred Gillian, Jackie Warner Trainer Sky Sport 10 minutes. Your suit on the cable to work for you. These programs are free to exercise under the exercise, or buy cheap
3. At least one of these exercises three days a week, and more if you want bigger and better results.

4. The combination of fun and interest to Oallantij super.

5. Learn to read the devil and the creation of a daily 1,500-calorie diet consisting of lean meat (chicken, fish, eggs and tuna. And other shellfish, fruits and vegetables rich in fiber and healthy carbohydrates.

6. eliminate red meat and pork (find

Novel protein, trust me, and you have a waist circumference and thank you)

7. Write down everything you eat and calories. Use a free online service or create an Excel spreadsheet to monitor.

8. buy snacks of 100 calories and the average share with a friend. Sandies indicate crisps and fruit and Newton Falls hand occaisonal Cinnamon Life cereal.

9. refused to eat outside, instead of using the time for disover how to make your favorite dishes at home with fewer calories. Average restaurant meal 1200 calories, and rarely worth it.

10. weights once a week, and use the graph to show your progress.

11. If you follow this formula (water is the key) is expected to lose 2-5
Pounds per week over the next 4-6 weeks.
I challenge you to reinvent itself. I do.

How to go on a juice fast properly

How to go on a juice fast properly

How to go on a juice fast properly. Besides getting rid of diabetes, and a number of diseases and conditions and diseases. Number one invention of the juice fast is weight loss. There are so many diets out there that promise quick weight loss, but how many of them are in good health, and give the FAT rapid weight loss, and in fact continue? Not many ... in fact very few. The great thing about Juice fasting is that it can not only lose up to 1.5 pounds a day on it, but also cleanse the body of toxins and dead cells fatty acids, also known as cellulite. EWW, no one wants it!

What is juice fasting anyway? I'm sure there are many of you who have not heard this term! Well, fasting juice consumed in basis only water and juice for a certain number of days. It is not uncommon for a juice fast for 100 days, but a juice fast is usually between 7-40 days. There are, however, of any age to drink juice. Juice has to be organic fruits, vegetables and freshly made. Even if you have a juicer, and this is the best time to invest in one.

Despite the rapid weight loss is an incentive juice, and many people do it for other reasons as well. Juice fasting cleanses the body and mental state of your own, goodbye emotional baggage.

This juice is as easy as it may seem there quickly precautions that must be taken, as well as mandatory to take follow-up measures.

WEIGHT LOSS: Usually, the first few days of juice quickly lose anywhere 0-3 pounds. After that is located in a fixed number anywhere in the 0.3 to 1.5 pounds per day. If you are looking to lose 10 £, two weeks to a good number. However, if you are looking to lose 20-50 pounds for 30 to 45 days of fasting is ideal.

Things You'll Need
A juicer
Organic fruits and vegetables from your nearest farmers market
Mind goal-oriented!
1. Doctor! I must say that you should consult with your doctor before taking the juice quickly. Mostly what this writer will not be prosecuted, but be careful with medications such as appetite and weight suppression therapy assistants loss. Remember to clean your body is part of this plan, and add more chemicals and drugs that are not a good idea. Of course, if you are already drugs that do not suggest you stop. A lot of people have been on the juice fast medication of any kind after it is no longer necessary. Something for your mind to chew ... (but not from the mouth)

2. Preparation of juice quickly.
It does not plan to simply soak in the juice fast with miraculous results. First you need to train your body to not crave the juice and leaves quickly on the second day. Week before the fast begins, skipping the following: all dairy products, meat, poultry, eggs, fish, processed foods, fast foods, no preservatives or dyes, materials, hydrogenated oils or partially hydrogenated, soybean (from now all soy products containing genetically modified organisms US ), refined white sugar and white flour.

So maybe your thinking ... what I can get ???
Well, you can have fruit, raw vegetables or steamed, brown rice, whole wheat bread, durum wheat pasta, organic food and packaged nuts ... etc.

3. Buy your juice!
If you do not already have one will certainly have to invest in a juicer. Good mixers extract all the juice minus ranging between $ 150 and fiber. If this is too much to look at community forums such as Craigs List to see if someone has a liquor for sale or abandoned. After seeing the result of weight loss and how to clean your body feel, trust me it is worth.

4. buy supplies organic

fruits and vegetables.
So get to work. Once you have the mind "go" from your doctor, juicer, goal oriented and it's time to get dirty. Why do you need organic fruits and vegetables anyway? Well, organic products free of pesticides and chemicals, and any GM could hurt him. To make sure that there is something organic look in the label placed on it must begin with the number 9. If for some reason you can not afford organic fruits and vegetables, and make sure everyone in front of him peel juice.

5. juices.
Even fruit and vegetable juice? Usually you juice the following: carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, oranges, spinach, turnips, celery, beets, red leaf lettuce. Try to avoid juices consisting of only fruit, mixing as you can.

6. daily consumption of juice and water:
Juices in a typical day you want to have about 1 liter of juice with 10 or more glasses of water. If you do not wine from the water, get into the habit. What do wonders in helping the toxins and excess fat from the body.

7. feel hungry ???
The threat of hunger and people rarely felt real hunger to many people and children all over the world feel. I have news for you. It's okay to feel hungry! Really do not die of hunger to feel a little from time to time.
But do not worry, you will feel a little hungry in the beginning, but fill juice and saturation of the abdomen. After a period of time in your own juice quickly and you will begin to see that it is a concern that confuse you are hungry (not the same hunger).

8. temptations.
Of course, we expect temptations. If you allow to control up to you. When I start craving something we are trying to remember why juice fasting began. Facing cravings rather than distract. In fact, a good indicator to cleanse the body is the concern you get! So I see it as a good thing and think of all those chemicals and toxins leaving your body forever. Definitely worth having some intense desire temptations.

9. overweight.
After the completion of his fast, either 7 or 50 days. You will gain a little weight, not all, but only a little until the balance of its entry into solid foods. And therefore it is not expected to frighten several pounds after the fast has ended.

10. Cancellation of fasting:
As difficult as it is to believe, the hardest part is not the fast itself, but ends quickly. It is very important how your fast ends. Remember, the digestive system has had a long break and can not bombard the poor with food on the first day you are free to rapid juice. Reduction of fasting, drinking 8 ounces of peach in 16 ounces of water throughout the night. When you're ready to break the fast, drink water and eat prunes soaked. This will help in the process of digestion, a good bridge to eat solid foods again.

To prevent overeating, binge eating, and go wild after the continuation of our rapid juice or juice once or twice a day before meals. Preservation of fruit and raw vegetables in your diet.

How can you lose weight quickly in three days?

How can you lose weight quickly in three days?
Losing weight is a national obsession in the United States, where obesity has reached epidemic proportions. As a result, the new diet plans that are sold on a regular basis. However, they tend to focus on weight loss in the long term, at a rate of 1-3 pounds per week. Lose weight, to prepare for the ceremony, wedding or other special occasion, it requires another approach. Test plan known as the Diet Alabama 3 days and results in the loss of up to 10 pounds in three days, according to a review of diet resources my lifestyle diet, where 82 percent of readers say they had liked the results. But, warns my diet lifestyle, losing weight is the weight of water and long-term use of the diet can lead to health risks.


1. Eat half a grapefruit or drink a glass of grapefruit juice for breakfast on the first day. Also, eat a slice of toast with a tablespoon of peanut butter. Drinking black coffee or tea. For lunch, eat 1/2 cup of tuna with a slice of toast and black coffee or tea. For dinner, eat 3 ounces of meat with green beans 1 cup carrots 1 cup or beets, 1 small apple, 1 cup vanilla ice cream.

2. Eat 1 egg and 1 slice of toast for breakfast on the second day,

Average banana black tea or coffee appears. For lunch, eat 1 cup of cheese or 1/2 cup of tuna, along with 5 crackers. For dinner, eat a couple of hot dogs with 1 cup of broccoli or cabbage, 1/2 cup carrot or turnip greens, 1/2 banana and 1 cup vanilla ice cream.

3. Eat 1 egg and 1 slice of toast for breakfast on the third day, along with black tea or coffee. For lunch, eat one slice of cheddar cheese 0.5 crackers, 1 small apple or black tea and coffee. For dinner, eat 1 cup tuna 1 cup carrots or beets, 1 cup green beans or broccoli, 1 cup cantaloupe or 1 small apple, 1 cup vanilla ice cream.

4. Niagen Drink some water during the day, but not too much. Experts say the diet is successful, it helps you lose weight fast water. So, drink plenty of water to undermine the results. However, do not drink the water, which can lead to dehydration.

5. Be aware of dietary restrictions. Do not use for more than 3 days at a time. After that, go back to a normal diet, but carefully manage calories to maintain the weight you've lost. If you continue to lose weight, limit yourself to 1,500 calories a day for four days, then the diet Alabama-3 course overnight. Then repeat the whole cycle twice. By doing this, if you are obese, you may lose up to 40 pounds per month. Normal, healthy people suffer from overweight can usually lose about 20 million pounds a month plan.

5-day training plan for losing weight

5-day training plan for losing weight
One of the fastest ways to lose weight and gain muscle is the alternative ways for heart disease and weight training exercises. Choose the difficult routine fat crush 45 minutes to keep your muscles and metabolism guessing. Your life partner routine five days with a healthy diet and see the results within two weeks.

Select your routine
Choose the correct routine is almost as important as the completion of the exercise. Want to do cardio and strength exercises that will keep you engaged, interested and challenged otherwise it will not. Try a mixture of exercises where you can train at home, and abroad, in the gym, and even in the pool.

Two of the easiest routine heart running and walking speed. However, some people do not enjoy running or have injuries that prevent them from doing so. It includes heart disease and other rowing, swimming, cycling, aerobic dance, elliptical training and boxing. Because most of the routine is repeated heart, including the training period (also called sprints) through your routine to increase weight loss. Challenges jogging more difficult for a specified period of time to pay, and then drop back down steadily for a while before paying yourself back. Change the length of periods of training in order to better weight loss results (see References).

In the days that the heart does not work, and focus on strength training. Strength training is important because it affects the muscles to burn fat more efficiently. You burn more calories even when you are not working because muscle tissue burns up solid 50 calories per pound.

Lifting weights is one of the most visible forms of strength training, but can also explore Pilates, yoga, training camp or other heart routine, such as walking speed weight.

Plan on five
His week consists of five days of aerobic exercise and two days of rest. Training plan two days in a row, and take off the next day, after training the next two days. Take off one day, and then ending with the final the hard work at the end of the week.

You can modify the exercise to begin with, but make sure you're always taking place between the heart and the weights to allow your muscles repair between workouts.

Vydox Start your week with 45 minutes of jogging in the open air heart. On the first day, the goal of completing the whole race at a rapid pace but steadily. On the second day is the strength training, in an effort to complete the DVD yoga as a progressive all Blanchard yoga or lifting weights for up to 60 minutes. If you want to lift weights, the easiest way to hit multiple muscle groups to use manual lifting, The Body Sculpting Bible for Men James Villepigue and Hugo A. Rivera (has a book

Another book of the same name for women). Another way to maximize the exercise is to buy a DVD of weight training for training Jackie Warner or areas not more trouble than weight training exercises Jillian Michael.

Relax on the third day and then begin a four-day routine with another heart. You can choose to treat any other cardio exercise or interval training and the same training on the first day. If you choose the train separation, and spend more time doing a short burst of energy and longer steadily. For example, if you run, run to the point where you can not hold a conversation for a minute, then drop steadily for four minutes.

The fifth day is another strength routine. Use the same weight as it did on the second day and either do the same DVD, or strength training, or try to force other training workout.

Located on the sixth day and then to the heart explosion in seventh place. This is the perfect day to raise the training period. Increase your time two minutes faster rate and maintain a steady pace for three minutes throughout the training course for 45 minutes. Although this is the day most of the heart disease in the week, you will notice that your body is stronger and more capable of dealing with intensity. From noon today to build strength and continue alternating days.

Beyond the five days
There are routine for five days starting weight loss process. However, in order to continue to lose weight and tone muscles, you have to change your routine every few months. It takes about 4-6 weeks for your body to adapt to an exercise routine, and this means that the efforts of muscle tone and weight loss can be stabilized. It creates a state of confusion muscle trying a new routine of heart disease or add more weight to the exercise program. For example, if you've been running for your heart and workout, cycling or dancing for a few months. The introduction of new power yoga routine, but if you've been lifting weights.

Maintain the same weekly program for two or three months, then the introduction of something new.

How to improve the eye health nutrition

How to improve the eye health nutrition
Your eyes may be affected by many conditions and diseases, pollution and the natural aging process. Prevent serious illness is easier to handle. It is important to keep the amounts of vitamins and minerals your body requires. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables free of fat and protein and whole grains as well as taking vitamins. Be sure to regular eye exams dates.

Things You'll Need
Vitamins A, B complex, E and C
Metals (copper, zinc, manganese, magnesium, potassium, selenium and chromium)
Cisse amino acids (cysteine ​​and taurine)
Evening primrose oil

1. treatment of glaucoma with a lot of vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to increased eye pressure. Vitamin B complex can also help, as bioflavonoids CAN (antioxidants found in plant) foods, vitamin E, and spirulina, which can help improve vision loss from glaucoma.

2. Supplement your diet with cranberry saves to improve their night vision. Berries is also available in the Appendix. Berry helps to strengthen the collagen, and the destruction of free radicals, improve blood flow and oxygen to the eye.

3. reduce the chance of cataracts by including lots

Antioxidants in your diet materials. It destroys free radicals, the cause of most of the fall. Dietary supplements that can help include vitamins C, A, E, and B complex as well as copper, zinc, manganese, magnesium, potassium, selenium and chromium. You can reduce the sugar intake also helps.
4. Avoid macular degeneration with daily multi-vitamin complex system which includes B, beta-carotene, and vitamins C and E, selenium, and zinc, and lycopene. Other useful garlic supplements, lutein, zeaxanthin, bioflavonoids, amino acids cysteine ​​and taurine.

5. treatment with dry eye in evening primrose oil essential fatty acids. You can also try ginkgo, potassium, vitamins C, E and B complex is also useful to avoid refined sugar and artificial sweeteners.

How muscle tone without bulking

How muscle tone without bulking
If you are interested in building muscle, but is concerned about bulking up, and participate in the training and weight training for low volume, which means that fewer groups and the use of relatively light resistance. It also makes kettlebell sessions, and high-density circuits and types training.These Tabata workouts to build muscle while burning calories at the same time, and this in turn can help give you the appearance of a strong but thin. Each workout begins with a warm 10 minutes, which consists of walking or jogging light and dynamic stretching.

Weight training to tone
To adapt to the training lifting weights to build muscle, stick with two or three training sessions each week. During each cycle, do two or three sets of 12-16 repeat each exercise and the use of weight that makes your muscles feel tired at the end of each series. If you can not do more than 20 repetitions with a weight that you use, for example, it is time to kick it up a bit. Rest for 30 seconds or less between sets. Focus on multi-joint exercises such as squats, chest presses and monuments, instead of a single joint exercises like curls bicep and tricep extensions. If you are lifting weights for the first time or are once again after a long break, start with one or two sets of eight to 15 repetitions using lighter, so you can control the movements.

Training with weights projectiles
Working out with free weights projectiles - as kettlebells, dumbbells and barbells - can help strengthen and tone muscles while burning calories also to help reduce body fat. A kettlebell is a weighted implement this looks like a ball of iron and has a handle bag at one end. With iron, dumbbells or bar, and ballistic exercises such as swings, snatches, cleans, jerks, squats and presses, lunges, step-ups and rows. You can do ballistic free weight two or three days a week practicing. Locate

Four or five years to include in their training and the completion of each exercise for at least 15 seconds. Maintaining your comfort periods of 30-60 seconds. Perform each of the five exercises three times.

Niagen High-density circuits
Density circuits are combined both aerobic and resistance exercises into one workout. Because you are using your body weight as resistance, the circuit does not cause a great job. They can, however, help to increase muscle strength while burning calories at the same time. In a circle of high-density, jump from one exercise to another, resting briefly between each of them. Because of its density, it does not do circuit workouts from more than two days a week. Choose from nine to 12 years, which can include exercises like jumping jacks, pushups, burpees, squats, jump squats, wall sits, crunches, planks and high knees in place and lunges. Complete 30 seconds of each of the nine to 12 exercises, resting 15 seconds between each exercise. As in the best shape, try two or three rounds of exercises.

Training Tabata
Tabata workouts are similar to the high-density circuits, but alternating between persistent effort and comfort. Most of the exercises Tabata stick with one type of exercise the heart and blood vessels. For example, you can run on a treadmill or cycling on a stationary bike. However, you can also use a variety of exercises such as pushups, burpees rows and fluctuations kettlebell. Tabata to do exercise, alternating between exercise by 100 percent of maximum effort for 20 seconds and recover for 10 seconds. After eight minutes of warmth gradually increase in intensity, making a total of eight sessions. According to Jim Gerard American Council on Exercises, even though you perform heart traditional types of exercise and blood vessels, due to the intensity of the session, similar to the embodiment of strength training with body weight. Because this type of training, strength training using your own body weight as resistance, which helps you to build a tone without providing enough power to increase the volume. Because of the intensity of workouts Tabata, integrated into the regular schedule of their heart disease only two days a week.